Joe & Heather were featured in the Cambridge Shelter’s “STREET BEAT” news letter for fall/winter 2007
If you are interested in supporting the Cambridge shelter in anyway please contact them at:
Tel: 519 624 9305
Fax: 519 624 0801
Toll Free: 1 877 624 9305
Kelford Industrial Sales sponsored the WE CARE! Golf Classic! that took place on June 15th, 2015. This was our 11th consecutive year as a sponsor. The tournament is one of Cambridge Shelter’s biggest fundraisers and we are pleased that it raised $60 000.00 this year.
Our Heather Kelly presenting a cheque to the Cambridge Shelter.
In February 2005, Joe & Heather Kelly from Kelford Industrial Sales were approached to help out with the capital campaign to build The Bridges. In June of that year, they held a party to celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary, along with Joe’s retirement and their 25th year in business. In lieu of gifts, Joe & Heather generously asked for donations to the shelter. They also approached their suppliers who agreed to provide discounted fixtures for the new building. Shortly after, Heather & Joe began donating much needed day-to-day products from their business to Out of the Cold and the Welcome Aboard Drop-In such as toilet paper, hand towels & cleaning supplies.
Since then, Joe & Heather are always looking for ways to help those in need at the shelter. Heather volunteers on the We Care! Annual Golf Classic committee, and knits winter hats with her friends. Every year she organizes a Murder Mystery fundraiser, proceeds of which go to purchase razors & personal need supplies for our guys, gals and families. Heather and Joe say, “Life has been good to us. We believe it is only fair to give back to people who haven’t been as fortunate”.
Thank you Joe & Heather for all you do for the homeless in our city. You are making a real difference in helping those in need redaim their dignity and restore their hope.