Sqwincher helps prevent the ill and costly effects of dehydration, provides a supplemental source of energy and quenches thirst in a great tasting way.
Perspiration depletes cells of fluids and weakens the muscle tissue. This causes workers to be less alert, less productive and more prone to accidents. Sqwincher is isotonically formulated, goes to work 98% faster than pure water. Restores electrolytes to the muscle cells within seconds of drinking. In the process energy levels are restored.
Sqwincher has 50% less sodium and approximately 50% more potassium than most sport drinks used in industry.
Best Value!
Sqwincher Liquid Concentrate!
LITE FORMULA, zero calories, zero carbs and no sugar!
Qwik Stik!
*The SQWEEZE is a 3 oz/ 88 ml electrolyte drink.
*150 per case, 15 packs of 10 units. Two of each flavour – Cherry, Grape, Orange, Lemon-Lime & Mixed berry.
(Only available in these assorted cases)
Makes a 8-10 oz Hot Drink – Available in two flavours; Apple Spice and Green Leaf Tea, that contains “antioxidents”. Not only will the Hot Stik replenish the electrolytes but will also assist in maintaining your body’s immune system with the following added
Echinacea Stimulate and increase activity in the immune system.
Niacin Helps the body control good and bad forms of cholesterol.
Vitamin B6 – Assists in the body’s biological processes such as increased metabolism and aids in the stimulation and production of nervous system functions by helping to create neurotransmitters.
Vitamin B12 – Assist in proper nervous system functions, memory and motor functions as well as assist in the production of new red blood cells.
Vitamin C – Combat colds, aid in cardiovascular health and protect the immune system against disease and viral attacks.
Potassium – Aids in complete muscle contractions that regulate blood pressure as well as electrical activity in the heart and rapid transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body.
Phosphorus – Help regulate the release of energy supplies within the body.
Plus it’s low in sugar with only 3 total carbs and 10 calories per 8 ounce serving.
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